Price list of available
real estate

Apartment price
Floor area
Location Project Apartment
Floor Layout Floor area
of the apartment
Accessories Rental price
Rental price
Condition PDF Demand
Smíchov LIHOVAR Smíchov 352 5 2+kk 53,0 m² L 32 177 1 369 immediately free
Smíchov LIHOVAR Smíchov 374 7 1+kk 29,2 m² B 19 850 845 2Q/2025 free
Smíchov LIHOVAR Smíchov 327 2 2+kk 70,7 m² B 35 010 1 490 immediately free
Location Number Layout Area Accessories Price
Project Condition Floor Demand Preview
Smíchov 352 2+kk 53,0 m² L 32 177
LIHOVAR Smíchov free 5
Smíchov 374 1+kk 29,2 m² B 19 850
LIHOVAR Smíchov free 7
Smíchov 327 2+kk 70,7 m² B 35 010
LIHOVAR Smíchov free 2


oral reservation

sold out

The total price in the price list includes the price of monthly rent, including VAT for the year 2023 (15%).
The floor area of the apartment is calculated according to the valid legal regulations (Government Regulation No. 366/2013 Sb.).

The price for renting a garage space is not included in the apartment rent. For more information on parking options, please visit the website

Click on the heading of the column in the table to arrange the data in ascending order. Click again to arrange in descending order.

The price list is regularly updated every 18 minutes.

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