Terms of use

Trigema a.s. is responsible for all information published on the website www.trigema.cz/en/ (hereinafter referred to as the Site). as the operator of this website.

Terms and Conditions for Site Users

  • As the operator of this website www.trigema.cz/en/ is Trigema a.s. (hereinafter the Website).
  • These terms for users (hereinafter the Terms) are published by the Operator for the purpose of acquainting the public with the method and terms of the Website.
  • Interfering in the content and technical foundation of the Website in any manner without the Operator’s consent is forbidden. Only the Operator is authorised to make decisions regarding changes to the Website.
  • Only the Operator is authorised to amend or supplement the Terms.
  • The Operator may make access to some information given on the Website conditional to provision of the user’s personal data. In such cases the Operator handles this data in compliance with Act No. 101/2000 Sb., on protection of personal data. More information is available in the principles for handling personal data.
  • All information and data on this Website, including visualisations, is of an informational nature only.
  • The terms for using this Website become valid and effective on the date they are published. The date they are published is 27 September 2018.

Recommended browser and computer configuration: The Website is fully compatible with all usual types of browser in the latest versions (i.e. with installed updates as of the month of August 2018). The Website was tested for use on Internet Explorer 11, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari and Opera. You must enable support of JavaScript and Adobe Flashplayer is recommended for full Website functionality.

Contact information

Trigema a.s.
Bucharova 2641/14
158 00 Prague 5
ID No.: 61466123

Registered in the Commercial Register administered by the Municipal Court in Prague, Section B, File No. 12794

Contact person
Petra Holubová
Tel.: +420 227 355 211
E-mail: holubova.petra@trigema.cz

Contact form

By submitting the form, I accept the conditions of processing of personal data by Trigema - their processing will take place in order to send a response to the complaint and possible creation of a business offer.